You log on here, scan the forums and check to see what's new and exciting. But is there anything really new or exciting? Not really. Even though we are a supplement company and have access to every ingredient possible in our lab, we still like to see some innovation out there. We're a company made up of bodybuilders, martial artists, and athletes from just about every genre.
Make no mistake; we still enjoy a good pre-workout just like everyone else. However, as of late, most products seem like the same group of ingredients, in a different order, with a different looking label slapped on from the next brand. The pre-workout market is becoming a 'copycat' league, but we see it as a huge opportunity to drop some real innovation on the market with SUPERDRIVE. We created two new ingredients to make you a believer again in a pre-workout that's worth your hard earned dollars.
You log on here, scan the forums and check to see what's new and exciting. But is there anything really new or exciting? Not really. Even though we are a supplement company and have access to every ingredient possible in our lab, we still like to see some innovation out there. We're a company made up of bodybuilders, martial artists, and athletes from just about every genre.
Make no mistake; we still enjoy a good pre-workout just like everyone else. However, as of late, most products seem like the same group of ingredients, in a different order, with a different looking label slapped on from the next brand. The pre-workout market is becoming a 'copycat' league, but we see it as a huge opportunity to drop some real innovation on the market with SUPERDRIVE. We created two new ingredients to make you a believer again in a pre-workout that's worth your hard earned dollars.
Arginine alpha keto-glutarate, citrulline, and citrulline malate. Unless you're a newbie, you've definitely tried these out. All of them, in their own right, served a purpose in supplement history as the foundation for many pre-workouts. If you know supplements then you've probably heard of ornithine too. However, you've never heard of ornithine malate aka mitoDRIVE. By utilizing ornithine and malic acid with a complex, we uncovered a powerful combination which not only supports endurance and enhances nitric oxide, but also supports recovery and power. It does this by supporting Kreb's cycle efficiency and reducing ammonia levels within muscle tissue which can cause fatigue. Gaspari Nutrition utilizes a whopping five grams‡ of mitoDRIVE in SUPERDRIVE to support hyper-performance cellular driven energy.
Arginine alpha keto-glutarate, citrulline, and citrulline malate. Unless you're a newbie, you've definitely tried these out. All of them, in their own right, served a purpose in supplement history as the foundation for many pre-workouts. If you know supplements then you've probably heard of ornithine too. However, you've never heard of ornithine malate aka mitoDRIVE. By utilizing ornithine and malic acid with a complex, we uncovered a powerful combination which not only supports endurance and enhances nitric oxide, but also supports recovery and power. It does this by supporting Kreb's cycle efficiency and reducing ammonia levels within muscle tissue which can cause fatigue. Gaspari Nutrition utilizes a whopping five grams‡ of mitoDRIVE in SUPERDRIVE to support hyper-performance cellular driven energy.
GLYCEROL is the volumization king, but unfortunately the best types come in liquid form. Acetic acid is the lactic acid buffering king, often used to increase thoroughbred endurance. We asked ourselves "why not reign supreme by combining the two into a muscle volumizing and performance enhancing powerhouse?" This is where GLYCOSPAN technology was born. To get those skin tearing pumps and lactic acid burn-reducing effects in a powder, we developed a special method to microencapsulate liquid triacetin into a powder form. The end result is a super ingredient called GLYCOSPAN, found in SUPERDRIVE. You want to look full blown in rapid time? GLYCOSPAN will get you there.
When you want to throw down in the gym, isn't it nice to have a little mental jolt to get amped? Tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Caffeine helps release these neurotransmitters within the central nervous system. It's been shown that certain neurotransmitters can help affect performance and mood, so why not crank them up to help blast through your workout? To further bump up the mental stimulation, SUPERDRIVE contains the new stimulant higenamine which contains a critical component to work in conjunction with n-acetyl tyrosine, DMAE, citrus aurantium, and caffeine to bring your mood to a higher level as you're blasting though your training session. The focus and stimulation is unrivaled, all with NO CRASH!
Without question our products work. SUPERDRIVE™ isn't just another concentrated pre-workout, it's an effectively dosed pre-workout designed to deliver exactly what you want with pure innovation. It's something new and exciting in a sea of "me too" products which don't satisfy your pre-workout needs. SUPERDRIVE achieves its rapid effects at an affordable price and tastes absolutely delicious. What more could you want? By utilizing new and revolutionary ingredients such as mitoDRIVE and GLYCOSPAN, SUPERDRIVE is hard hitting and fast acting. Give yourself a dose of liquid motivation on us. We guarantee you'll be coming back for more because you'll know right away that SUPERDRIVE is the real deal. Train Harder. Recover Faster. Fuel Yourself™.
When you want to throw down in the gym, isn't it nice to have a little mental jolt to get amped? Tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Caffeine helps release these neurotransmitters within the central nervous system. It's been shown that certain neurotransmitters can help affect performance and mood, so why not crank them up to help blast through your workout? To further bump up the mental stimulation, SUPERDRIVE contains the new stimulant higenamine which contains a critical component to work in conjunction with n-acetyl tyrosine, DMAE, citrus aurantium, and caffeine to bring your mood to a higher level as you're blasting though your training session. The focus and stimulation is unrivaled, all with NO CRASH!
Without question our products work. SUPERDRIVE™ isn't just another concentrated pre-workout, it's an effectively dosed pre-workout designed to deliver exactly what you want with pure innovation. It's something new and exciting in a sea of "me too" products which don't satisfy your pre-workout needs. SUPERDRIVE achieves its rapid effects at an affordable price and tastes absolutely delicious. What more could you want? By utilizing new and revolutionary ingredients such as mitoDRIVE and GLYCOSPAN, SUPERDRIVE is hard hitting and fast acting. Give yourself a dose of liquid motivation on us. We guarantee you'll be coming back for more because you'll know right away that SUPERDRIVE is the real deal. Train Harder. Recover Faster. Fuel Yourself™.